A Warm Welcome

Thank you for choosing our app! We’re truly grateful to have you with us on this journey. Our app is designed as a personalized learning tool, crafted to help you study in the most effective and tailored way possible. We’re committed to continuously improving the app so that it best supports your unique learning needs and helps you achieve your goals.

The Story Behind the App

We’d also like to share a small story behind this app. The idea was inspired by a simple childhood memory — a small bear that brought immense joy and comfort during challenging times. Just as that bear gave us hope, this app brings a lot of hope to us as well. Through it, we want to share that same hope with you, not just as a study tool, but as a companion that supports and motivates you throughout your journey.

A Dream for Every User

One of our dreams for this app is to help every user not only achieve their academic goals, like getting into the high school or university they desire, but also to become a lifelong learner who enjoys the process. We envision this app as a way for you to not only succeed academically but to enrich your life in the future—whether that’s joining school clubs, making new friends in your dream schools, or even finding your "Mr. or Ms. Right." in the playground of your dream school.

Our Ongoing Journey

As of the date this is written, 2024-09-09, the app is essentially in its MVP (Minimum Viable Product) stage. This means we’re still in the early phases of development, and we’re far from stopping here. Our journey to improve and expand the app is ongoing, and we’re constantly striving to enhance your learning experience.

Improving Through Experience

One great example of how the founder actively improves the app through his own experience is when he noticed the need for a more intuitive way to manage vocabulary. From his own study sessions, he realized that adding new vocabulary words felt clunky, so he decided to use a modal to open up the vocabulary-adding section. This streamlined the process and made it much smoother. Another feature born from his own learning experience was the inclusion of memory retention tracking. While using the app daily, he recognized the importance of understanding how long users retain information, so he implemented a memory decay system based on spaced repetition principles to better support long-term learning.

Your Feedback Matters

We know we’re not perfect, but that’s where you come in! We truly value your constructive feedback as it helps us improve. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us, and we kindly ask that you express them with the same gentle tone that we’ve tried to cultivate here.

A Commitment to Growth

Just as we mentioned, our founder is also on his own learning journey, balancing both personal growth and the development of this app. This sometimes means that updates may not be as rapid as other apps, but rest assured, we’re always working behind the scenes to make things better. The founder’s dedication to his own learning ensures that every update is meaningful and designed with care.

Supporting a Small Studio

We are a small studio, technically an independent developer studio, which means we don’t have a huge amount of resources to make all of our dreams visible right away. But if you enjoy using this app, please consider sharing it with your friends. Simply spreading the word helps us more than you might think and allows us to keep growing and improving.

Reflecting Our Learning Journey

This app also reflects a lot of our own self-taught experiences. We’ve worked hard to address problems we believe can be solved, and you might notice that there’s something intuitive about how the app handles tasks like storing information or asking questions—it’s a feeling we’ve developed through our own learning journey.

Continuous Improvement Through Experience

By using the app himself, our founder constantly looks for ways to improve it. Through his daily use, we gain valuable insights that drive us to refine and enhance the app, incorporating new tools and psychological insights to make learning not just effective but also enjoyable.

This text was written by the team and refined by AI to better communicate our message and values.